
LISTEN: USF-Sarasota-Manatee Opens Dorm & Student Center

SARASOTA -- The University of South Florida's Sarasota-Manatee campus cuts the ribbon Monday (19th) on a new student center and residence hall, combined in a six-story building.

USF Sarasota-Manatee Chancellor Karen Holbrook says it's the biggest project since the campus moved to its current home in 2006.

"It transforms this campus from a commuter campus, to a residential campus," Holbrook said on our Beyond the News podcast.

The student center includes a ballroom, bookstore, dining area and meeting rooms. Holbrook says student groups and activities have until now been crowded into a corridor.

Holbrook says the Atala Residence Hall, named for a tropical butterfly, will host about a hundred U-S-F students and a hundred students from New College of Florida, across the street. They'll move in Friday.

Find out more about USF Sarasota-Manatee's big facilities upgrade by listening to Dr. Holbrook below:

Photo: Canva

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